
  • Identify all components of written music up tothe Impressionistic Era.
  • Demonstrate the ability to play the piano at amid-level proficiency.
  • Demonstrate a mid-level understanding ofperformance practice for individuals and groups.
  • Demonstrate the ability to identify chordprogressions and melodies through listening.
  • Demonstrate a beginning understanding ofWestern European and American music history.

Critical Thinking Skills: Creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of information, using technology as appropriate.

Communication Skills: Effective development, interpretation, and expression of ideas 通过书面、口头和视觉交流.

Empirical and Quantitative Skills: Manipulation and analysis of numerical data or 可观察的事实导致有根据的结论.

Teamwork: Ability to be flexible and to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others, taking the initiative when appropriate, to support a shared 目的或目标.

Social Responsibility: Intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities.

Personal Responsibility: A strong work ethic and the ability to connect choices, actions, 以及道德决策的后果.


Potential employment opportunities for students with an 文学副学士 in Music include studio recording, music production, soundtrack production, music composition, music arrangement, live music performance, broadcast music performance, music education, music programming, music editing, music production, music business, artist development and more.

Potential employers include entertainment venues, recording studios, audio production companies, community groups, theaters, advertising agencies, publishing companies, independent soundtrack producers, bands, music producers and more.

Job and Wages


Course Title SCH
EDUC 1300 学习框架  
MUSI 1311 Music Theory I  
MUSI 1116 视觉歌唱与听觉训练  
MUEN 12XX 合奏(器乐或声乐)  
MUAP 12XX 应用音乐课  
MUSI 1181 Piano Class I  
MUSI 1306年音乐 音乐欣赏  
MUSI 1312 音乐理论II  
ENGL 1301 Composition I  
MUSI 1117 视觉歌唱与听觉训练2  
MUEN 12XX 合奏(器乐或声乐)  
MUAP 12XX 应用音乐课  
MUSI 1182 钢琴二级  
SPCH 1315 公众演讲  
MUSI 2311 音乐理论III  
MUSI 1117 视觉歌唱与听觉训练3  
MUEN 22XX 合奏(器乐或声乐)  
MUAP 22XX 应用音乐课  
MUSI 2181 钢琴三级  
ENGL 1302 作文二世  
HIST 1301 U. S. History I  
MUSI 2312 音乐理论四  
MUSI 2117 视觉歌唱与听觉训练四  
MUEN 22XX 合奏(器乐或声乐)  
MUAP 22XX 应用音乐课  
MUSI 2181 钢琴四级  
MUSI 1307 音乐文学  
数学1314/数学1332 大学代数/当代数学  

course title sch
MUSI 1303 音乐基础 3
MUSI 1310 美国音乐 3
MUSI 1181 Piano Class I 1
MUSP 12XX 应用音乐个体化教学 2
MUSP 1202 群组介绍语音 2
MUSP 1242 小型商业乐团 2
MUSB 1305 音乐产业调查 3
MUSC 1211 商业音乐视觉演唱与听觉训练 2
MUSC 1213 商业音乐理论I 2
MUSC 1331 MIDI 3
MUSI 1182 钢琴二级 1
MUSP 12XX 应用音乐个体化教学 2
MUSP 1242 小型商业乐团 2
Total   28

No more than 60-66 semester credit hours (SCH) from 正规靠谱赌博软件 will be applied to a Bachelor 我在拉马尔大学获得学位.

An additional 60 SCH or more must be completed to satisfy the bachelor degree requirements.

What will my average annual income look like as a musician or music director/composer? 

根据美国的说法 Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, Musicians 能期望平均每小时挣32美元吗.49 per hour. 根据联合国 States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, 音乐总监及作曲家 能期望获得26美元的平均时薪.55 per hour. 根据联合国 States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, 音乐总监及作曲家 能得到2分吗.从2012年到2022年,就业增长3%. 根据美国的说法 Department of Labor Careeronestop, Musicians can expect to have an 18% job growth 从2012年到2022年在德克萨斯州.



Will I be able to work on the type of music that I am interested in?

Students are able to focus on a specific area of commercial music while studying an array of popular forms of music from rock to rap and country to Cajun; students work 发展各种体裁的技巧.

Does 拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港 have a dedicated performance space?

商业 Music Program has a dedicated Music Hall that is used for rehearsals, individual lessons, group lessons, live recordings and live performances.

Does 拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港 have recording studios?

There are three professional recording studios that are available to all students 就读于商业音乐课程. 除了录音室,拉马尔 State College Port Arthur has both a Mac based music production/programming lab and 一个基于PC的音乐作曲实验室. 

What type of equipment will I be able to use at 拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港?

You will have access to industry standard musical instruments, amplifiers, recording, 编辑和混音设备. 你将能够使用一系列专业设备 from Korg, Moog, Shure, Fender, Vox, Ampeg, Apple, Avid, JBL, Soundcraft, Yamaha and more.

Are there student practice rooms and practice instruments that I can use between or after classes?

There are three dedicated sound proof practice rooms that students have access to 周一至周五上午8点至晚上9点. 当学生不在上课时 are able to practice in the Music Hall and other music classrooms. 商业 music program provides students with access to practice pianos, drums, percussion, 键盘、吉他、贝司、放大器和麦克风.  

Will my courses in a certificate program transfer to an associate’s degree?

If you begin with the certificate program, all of the courses will transfer to the 学位课程.


This degree requires courses in music theory, piano, music arranging, music composition, 音乐史,音乐制作和音乐节目.


Lamar State College-Port Arthur does provide job assistance.  学院有自己的职责 board that all students can access throughout their time at school.  毕业以后, you can provide the job placement office with a current resume, and they will send 向未来的雇主表白. 商业音乐系的教员将会 work with you to make you aware of positions that match your skill sets.


所有音乐系学生都有实习机会.  通常在你 final semester on campus, you will work as an intern at a local studio, performance venue, house of worship, community organization or with a band.  实习经历 能作为工作经验写在简历上吗. 许多实习经历 to networking opportunities, part-time employment and full-time employment.

Blas Canedo



Kenneth Q. Turner




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